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Understand your dog's language
Create a stress free life for your dog
Result - see your dog relax  

You have been trying everything to help your dog and you need a solution that works to have a happier less stressful life for the whole family.

  • You have been searching google and tried everything to help your dog

  • You don't understand why your dog is displaying these behaviours

  • You feel lost, confused and frustrated

  • You feel embarrassed about how your dog behaves

  • You feel like its effecting your life with your dog and family

  • You are told different things to try by loads of different people

What if there was a holistic solution that would help you overcome all undesirable behaviours with your dog?

Feel calm and confident in how to deal with every situation 

See your dog relax and be more responsive

Learn how listen to your dog

Learn to just be with your dog rather than doing all the time

Create a happier life for you all



Learning to Listen
The Holistic Solution


A complete step-by-step course that teaches you how to overcome all undesirable behaviours and have a happier more relaxed life with your dog.

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Learn how to resolve :

Separation anxiety

Jumping up

Aggression with visitors

Questions around height and eye contact

Calmer reunites

General manners


Learn how to resolve:

Excessive danger barking and attention barking

Reactions to loud noises

Reactions to other dogs, people, cars, bikes etc



Learn how to resolve:

Fussy eating

Food stealing

Food aggression

Excessive barking around food

Food rewards


Learn how to resolve:

Pulling on the lead

Poor recall

Reactivity to other dogs and people

Refusal to go on a walk

Door manners

Fear of getting into the car

We have to look at the bigger picture of a dogs behaviour, as all behaviours feed into one another. This holistic calm, kind approach will give you lasting results.

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About Me

Hey! I'm Kate (BA HONS,PGCE, QTS) and this is my dog Teddy

I am extremely passionate about helping people transform their lives with their dogs. I have had outstanding results with my 1:1 clients using this amazing holistic approach. To be able to reach more people with an online course is just so exciting! I will teach and guide you in order to achieve a happy, stress free life with your dog.

Using my 13 years experience in education, coupled with experience as a Dog Listener, I have developed a program that will not only give you the knowledge and understanding but also a learning experience which will ensure you make sustained long- term progress, and see the results that you are looking for.

I pride myself on being organised, approachable and having an enthusiastic and positive approach to life. I am fully committed to guiding and enabling people to have the happiest life possible with their dog!

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When we tap into the correct way of thinking,  there’s a world of opportunity to help us teach our dogs get it right without using fear, force, dominance or any  gadgets invented by humans.


This method is about learning the language of the dog, so that we can demonstrate that we have got what it takes to have the responsibility and they don't need to stress or worry about us in a world they don't understand. Using this method consistently with my own dog and hundreds of  others I have seen remarkable results.

​I truly believe that this simple method of working with a dog makes absolute sense and enables us to truly live in harmony with our beloved pets.

The traditional obedience training  is an approach that doesn't get to the root causes of why our dogs display certain behaviours. Dog Listening is a holistic approach which deals with the cause not the effect and will work with any non-medical behaviour issue.

What do students say...


So what do I get in the course?

  • Why this approach 

  • Why dogs show undesirable behaviours 

  • How our behaviour can impact our dogs behaviour

  • Understanding your dogs needs

  • Pack structures

  • Personality traits of a canines

  • Why our dogs can’t be leaders in the human world

  • What we expect from dogs

  • The questions your dog will ask you

  • How to reunite with your dog and the importance of this

  • Attention seeking behaviour and space invading 

  • Gesture leaving to overcome separation anxiety

Learn how to resolve :

Separation anxiety

Jumping up

Aggression with visitors

Questions around height

and eye contact

Calmer reunites

General manners

  • Perceived Dangers and how dogs respond to them

  • The 3 F's

  • Reactivity to visitors

  • Using Thank Look Reflect

  • Dealing with loud noises

Learn how to resolve:

Excessive danger and attention barking

Reactions to loud noises

Reactions to other dogs, people, cars, bikes etc 

  • The power of food and how this links back to status

  • The pecking order for food

  • What Gesture Eating is and how to do it

  • Fussy eaters, food guarding and food stealing 

  • Food rewards

Learn how to resolve:

Fussy eating

Food stealing

Food aggression

Excessive barking around food

Food rewards

  • The walk from a dogs perspective 

  • The steps to getting a dog to heel

  • The importance of recall

  • How to get 100% recall

  • The power of play 

  • How to deal with reactivity on a walk

Learn how to resolve:

Pulling on the lead

Poor recall

Reactivity to other dogs and people

Refusal to go on a walk

Door manners

Fear of getting into the car

  • How to make sure you stay on track and not let old habits creep back in

  • How to use the progress trackers and dog diary

  • Action plan

What else is included?

  • 7 Modules (£947)- packed full of 27+ video lessons that will teach, guide and motivate you on your journey to help you and your dog over come all undesirable behaviours

  • Workbooks and resources with each lesson (£127)

  • Quizzes - Test your knowledge before moving on to the next module.

  • Dog Diary and Progress Trackers (£127)-  Tools to keep you on track and help you celebrate those wins

  • Life time of access - Work at your own pace and re-visit lessons at any time to refresh your memory

  • 1:1 follow ups available - This course gives you everything you need to apply the approach and stay on track however 1:1 follow ups give you the opportunity to ask questions an receive support and mentoring going forward. 

Plus amazing bonus modules

worth over £700!


A video lesson - how meditation and Reiki can support you and your dog alongside the Dog Listening approach. You will receive and introduction to Reiki, case study on how it can support Dog Listening and a guided meditation.

Ali Carrington Reiki Master and Dog Listener 

Calm Kind Happy with Ali

A video lesson and resources - an introduction into understanding your emotional needs and in how to get these needs met appropriately in your relationship with your dog. Debbie Atkins HGI Psychotherapist.

Debbie Atkins | Human Givens Institute


A video interview - How nutrition can impact your dogs behaviour, health and wellbeing.

Holly Ruddin The Leading Dog Company  


A puppy specific guide

Sarah Greeff Dog Listener and Breeder of Sproodles

Happy Stress Free Dogs 


A video interview - How to have a good grooming experience for you dog at home and at a professional groomers.

Bianca Ramsey

Professional Groomer and Dog Listener

A total of £1,901in value instantly yours for just...


Pay in Full

Payment Plan

x3 £127
x3 £97 

When we listen we learn, when we learn we understand when we understand we create magic!
Jan Fennell

Your Purchase is Protected 

Transform your life with your dog with a
100% 7 day money back guarantee  

Learning to Listen The Holistic Solution comes with a 7 day money back guarantee. We promise that this approach will guide you to see your dog in a completely new light and you will see some results immediately! If you are not satisfied with the course once you have completed it we wouldn't feel right keeping your money, so we keep it easy to cancel. There are no strings attached, no forms to fill out nothing to prove. We wont even ask for all your new found skills back!

Message from Kate - 'I am fully committed to supporting you on your journey to help you help your dog to learn to be calm and relaxed. I am on a mission to show owners how changing their behaviour can have a huge positive impact on their dog. I will build your confidence, knowledge and skills to implement this simple yet effective approach.  I believe so much in my course, that I guarantee it!'


How do I know it will work? 

The simply answer is that if you follow the method it will work :)  You will make mistakes along the way However, with the wrap around support you get on this course, you can easily go back and re-watch a lesson with your life time of back up, look at your workbook and progress tracker or simply come into the safe Facebook community and ask a question in our live Q&A to get back on track 

What if it is a waste of money?

I am so confident in this approach that I have given everyone a 14 day money back guarantee, so if this is not for you, you can simply ask for a refund. When you follow the whole approach consistently you will start to see the benefits straight away.

What if I do the course and still need help?

Learning is a journey and sometimes we need extra support I know I did when I learnt this method. That's why I created the Facebook group community for all students to support each other and also give you the opportunity to ask any questions in the weekly live coaching call.

How do I know that my dogs will respond to this method?

By learning this method you are communicating with your dog using a language that all canines understand, therefore they will respond if you follow it in an calm consistent, convincing way. I will be teaching you how and why we do this in the course.

I don't have a lot of time to complete a detailed course and implement it?

You get a life time of access to this course so you can go at your own pace and revisit modules and videos at any time. This course will also show you that it is less about 'doing' with your dog and more about a way of 'being' with them everyday. Its simple, easy and effective.

What if don't have what it takes to implement the method?

You don't need any special skills to use this method with your dog. You just need to be calm, confident, consistent and convincing (the 4C's). Throughout the course you will learn how to approach everything using the 4 C's, and the step by step guides will instantly build your confidence by giving you the tools and knowledge of how to deal with any situation. 

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If you always do what you have always done, you'll always get what you've always got!

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